Thursday, November 26, 2009

I Never Noticed Before...and, A Wedding Story

This picture of Mom and George

has been sitting on top of the piano for almost 10 years right along with this photo from our wedding

and I NEVER noticed until a couple days ago that they're nearly identical poses!

Never noticed it! ....How can that be?

Mom and George's "Scrunch Hug" was outside their hotel room on one of their many five week cross country road trips to see all the family and friends "back east."

The wedding photo (please... no comments about how young, thin, curly, and brunette I was back then) was taken after the cake cutting.

We had agreed to "be nice" to each other. And I was. Then it was his turn to feed me a piece of our wedding cake. He held it out and got a gleam in his eye.

"Wait...what was that?" I thought. He pulled his hand back a little. "He wouldn't! W-would he?"

He looked to the guests, raising his eyebrows with a look that asked, "Should I? Should I?"

I could hear mixed reviews as they were being called out. Some of his friends egged him on while I heard Mom saying, "Noooo."

Everyone waited to see what he would do. Including me. Would my new husband who had pre-maritally agreed to "be nice" go back on his word and smash my face with cake? What had I gotten myself into? Who was this man?!

He raised the piece of cake toward my face. Closer, closer it came. Then.....he gently let me take a bite.

A giant collective "Awwwww!" erupted from the guests.

(But you do notice my hand on his during it all, don't you? I'm no fool! I was ready just in case.)

And he looked at me

as if to say, "You didn't really think I'd do it, did you? We agreed." (No of course not, honey. We agreed! Well... maybe. You kinda... had me going there for a second. Um... sorry?)

I nestled into him for an Awwww Hug. And the photographer snapped this shot.

It's our favorite wedding photo.

While the Scrunch Hug and the Awwww Hug were on the same piano top, they didn't exactly reside right next to each other before. Now they do.


  1. so sweet and so full of love
    A great sharing on Thanksgiving day

  2. I love it!! Great story Judi! And I got all goose-bumpy seeing both pics posed the same. How cool!
    Thanks for sharing!
