Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A New Blog

I've been rather timid about this post.  Feeling a bit vulnerable and afraid.  You see I've started a new blog.  It's different than this one.  Given the fact that I just said I've been afraid to tell you about it, you'll laugh when I tell you what my new blog is about.  It's about fear.  (Told ya you'd laugh.)

I've struggled with fear pretty much all of my life.  When I became a Christian at age 14, my fears didn't go away.  If anything, they began to go underground and took on different tones as I grew older.  God has been faithful to love me and help me work through the myriad of ways fear can and has taken expression in my life.  And it's time I start sharing some of that journey with the rest of the world.  There are other Christians out there doing battle with fear and perhaps feeling alone in it.  Perhaps feeling ashamed that, after all, we have the power of the God of the universe living inside of us, right?  How can I be so faithless that fear still plagues me?

I call the blog "From Fear to Eternity".  If you're interested, or know someone who might benefit from the sharing of the journey from fear to faith,  it is located at www.fear2eternity.blogspot.com.  I plan to develop lots of resources for the blog: scripture categories, book links, encouraging songs, quotes, etc.  As yet, it's still new and I'm developing as I go.  I wanted to have it fully developed and many posts written in advance (something I've since learned is the RIGHT way to launch such a help centered blog), but that just wasn't happening.  Guess what...I was afraid to dive in and start writing.  I did some planning and researching, (the online scripture searches I mentioned in a previous post here), and wrote lots of notes about topics and experiences.  But I just wasn't getting articles written.  Eventually, I just dove in.  I think I had to.  Now that it's up, I'm writing.  But I sure feel behind now that I have a couple people who have expressed interest in it! 

What I've learned over the years is that there are a lot of "me's" out there. I want to speak to them with some of the things God has shown me and taught me (and has to frequently remind me of) on this journey toward freedom. I guess I'll let one of my first posts to this new blog speak as an introduction to you:

From Fear to Eternity
Friday, June 25, 2010
Why This Blog

This is a blog for fearful Christians. Christians who are afraid. If you are not a Christian, or don't know for sure if you are, I invite you to stick around. We could all use a little company as we look at our fear.

I write about fear not because I'm an expert at being brave or choosing faith over fear. I don't write because I'm a counselor, or a pastor, or a psychologist, or have some other such declaration of authority. I write because I know fear. I write because God, throughout my whole life, has been patiently and lovingly committed to drawing me out of slavery to fear.

I write because I know there are others of you out there who are, to varying degrees, slaves to fear. I write because I believe you're like me in that you long for freedom. You long for the life you've been missing. You long for that abundant life Jesus came to give you. I write because enough is enough, we are tired of all that fear continues to cost us and all that we've missed because fear has robbed us. I write because, despite the fact that I still deal with fear, God has been working in me regarding the fear in my life.

One of the ways God teaches me is through other people's lives. I learn from other people's stories. I believe we are to share our stories with each other. So I believe God can use the story and experiences of my personal journey from fear to faith, "from fear to eternity", to bless and encourage others. I write because of 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God."

The purpose and vision of this blog on fear is to strengthen the knees that are weak, which is for some reason how Hebrews 12:12 got locked into my brain, though it actually says, "Therefore, strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble." It is to "Encourage the exhausted and strengthen the feeble, Say to those with anxious heart 'Take courage, fear not.'" (Isaiah 35:3-4a). It is my desire to comfort, encourage, instill hope and spur you to press on in your personal journey From Fear to Eternity.


  1. Gooooo Judi! I can be your fear partner... It's paralyzed me most of my life. I look at the past year and a half of my life and see how God has miraculously walked me through so much of my fear. Not that I'm cured, by any means... but I find myself walking into it much easier. I'm so glad you started a new blog. I already have it in my google reader. Don't want to miss a post! Love you, my friend! And hey, I need some new copper earrings!

  2. Thanks so much, Angie, for your encouragement! I'm thankful God has been growing you away from fear. This has been a horrendous year-and-a-half for you. He has been so faithful and loving to you. I'll have to dig out my earrings and see what I have of copper. You like small ones, right? Love you, too.
