Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Snowy Town

It seems we've had snowstorms every week here "on the mountain." The first one dumped about 18 inches on us over the first weekend in December. The second one was roughly a week later, dropping another 8 inches. Then Sunday night we got another 8".  The weather has been mostly below freezing in between storms but occasionally getting into the 40's.

During one frosty week when highs remained in the 20's, I took my camera to town with me. Icicles hung all over town. Thick snow remained on roof tops, sliding down slowly. Infrequently driven cars occasioned the streets with 10" of snow riding on top. The creek running through town is actually frozen over, or at least "slushed" over. 

First thing I did was stop for some bunny tracks near our home.

Then I found these icicles and shadows on a cute white log cabin church.

In town the remaining snow took many forms. There was Clumped Snow, hanging around in the trees.

Trees all over town were adorned with thick clumps of snow throughout otherwise completely bare branches.

Sagging Snow

Swagging Snow

 This is the back of an indoor archery range. Isn't it beautiful?

What I love is that you can find something beautiful even in the ugly. Just zoom in and take a look.

Granted, I may be one of only a few who can find corrugated metal siding and rust beautiful.

More Icicles

Picnic Snow

Curling Snow

Crowning Snow

Stuffed Snow

Organized Snow

Blanket of Snow

Posted Snow

And Icicles


  1. Hi Judi,
    Wonderful photos! I wish we had snow, I miss snowballs and sledging. Take care.

  2. Judi, these are some of the most fantastic snow pictures I have ever seen!!!
    Thank you for sharing. I love em all!!
    Hasn't this been the best winter so far! We are sooo lovin' the rain and clouds, that at times I swear that it's looking like a chance of snow flurries here in the valley! haha!
    Have a wonderful Christmas and an awesome new year to you & Rusty!

  3. Nice pics. like the basketball hoop. - J.D.
